Resolutions on the death penalty in the Islamic Republic of Iran

death penalty

Iran has historically and continues to be the country with the highest number of executions. Given the continuous international criticism, the rate of executions surged by 26% in 2021 compared to 2020. Approximately three hundred people were executed that year as per Human Rights Activists in Iran.
Even though Iran amended its drug laws in 2017, raising the threshold for administering the death penalty, many people are executed due to drug-related charges. Though some were pleased with the change, others saw it as a ploy to improve Iran's reputation as a leading country in execution.
Only in exceptional instances should the death penalty be invoked "most heinous offences," as per the United Nations Human Rights Committee. As a result, no one should be executed for a drug violation. Iran's international human rights obligations to preserve the right to life directly contradict this idea.
The resolution passed by the European Parliament advocating for an immediate moratorium on the death penalty is a great move and a progressive one. In response to the resolution, Iran Human Rights urges a moratorium to be included as a key component of any negotiations with Iran.
The death sentence does not have the psychological impact that its supporters claim. Many law enforcement officials are questioning the death penalty effectiveness.

Remedies to the human rights in Iran

Abolition of the death penalty in Iran should be done throughout all cases that do not meet the criteria of "most heinous crime," following its international responsibilities. Iran must ensure that fair trial principles are followed. Executions should not go unreported under any circumstances. The nuclear agreement should have a clause that forces the mullahs to respect the human rights of the Iranian people; it is the only way these mass executions can come to a close. Unless something is done fast enough, the killings will increase in the Middle East and the rest of the world; as a result, a free hand in the execution of the children of the Iranian people should be taken away.
Relationships with the clerical government should be conditional on the termination of executions, failure to which the Western governments should take the necessary action, and it should also be humane and friendly to the innocent citizens of Iran. People like Maryam Rajavi have offered a clear path forward in this Iranian problem. She believes that "a make-a-deal approach" to the clerical system is the best way to keep it in cheque or include gradual transformation.

The Iran death penalty

The death penalty in Iran is an insult to one's right to life, fundamental to all human rights. It also breaches the right to be free of torture and other harsh or inhumane treatment. Furthermore, the death penalty undermines human dignity at its most basic level.
A person is classified as Mohareb under the Iranian regime's penal code if they are a member, supporter, orally of the People's Mujaheddin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The death penalty is imposed on these groups of people as a punishment.
Today, human rights activists, women and teenagers, teachers, and others are all targeted in Iran. Almost all vulnerable comrades are hanged in secret in jails around the country, and others are on death row. To prevent their husbands from execution, some women got to the extent of selling their kidneys.

Reasons for execution

One of the motives of the execution is to force the descending voices into submission by scaring the public and putting a stop to social unrest. Those involved have done the practise of executing people in an everyday occurrence. The mullahs normally perform public hangings in front of family members and even children, which is detrimental, especially psychologically and emotionally.
Another clerics' ultimate justification for executions is to carry out Islamic decrees. Nonetheless, Islam's teaching of kindness and compassion contradicts this. The mullahs misinterpret some law or have a weird understanding to justify these executions of a considerable number of people daily. These inhumane acts have no support/justification under Islam's dynamism and the Quran.
The West's policy failure in Iran can be dated directly to its disrespect for the Iranian people's human rights and liberties.

Alternative methods of execution

Human rights activists have voiced concern that the judiciary uses methods other than stoning to punish offenders. With justification, this implies the death penalty for voluntary intercourse between adults, despite somewhat less gruelling ways of execution, in violation of international human rights norms. Five lawyers representing seven women facing stoning issued a letter in June 2007; their client Massumeh was condemned to stoning but was hanged instead in November 2006.

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